few words to keep in mind in 2019
In a few hours, 2018 will be setting a closure and 2019 will come into our lives for the first time. This year was a transformative one for Greece but also for the whole globe, where society and people had to face hard incidences but still remained standing, facing their beliefs with dignity.
By asking the right questions and questioning the wrong quotes maybe in 2019 our own ambitions and dreams will come true and by not having repeats and retreats and always choosing the other way around and not following the beat of others, 2019 can be prosperous and full of joy if only we will let it, so here's to the new year, to new beginnings and to all of us, the people who's power and voice can make an impact and tranform the future.
Have a happy new years eve and a happy new year whoever you are and may it be the best of your life since now and the beginning of a brand new era.